Deluxe Edition


Regular Edition

A collection of 30 paintings in which I attempt to capture and record that magnetic and intoxicating ‘red’ city on the edge of the Sahara Desert, after a trip of discovery in October 2019. The text comprises of extracts from In Morocco by Edith Wharton, published in 1920. One of the major figures in American literary history, she gives a colourful and textured travel memoir, exploring the culture, history, and beauty of a Morocco of old.

15 Deluxe copies

22 x 15 ins (56 x 38cm), 96pp, 30 full colour double-spread illustrations, printed on Moulin du Gue mould-made cotton / linen paper with a SwissQprint UV flatbed digital printer. Text, 22-point Bembo, printed on 225gsm Zerkall mould-made paper. Bound in full leather with a leather inlaid pattern on the cover. The book sits in a solander box covered in printed cotton, alongside a set of 10 progressive prints simply bound. A miniature edition of the book is also included.    £4,750

80 Regular copies

19 x 12½ ins (48 x 32cm), 96pp, 30 full colour double-spread illustrations, printed on 190gsm Bockingford mould-made watercolour paper with a 12 colour Epson large format printer using archive inks. Text, 20-point Bembo, printed on 225gsm Zerkall mould-made paper. Quarter-bound in leather and printed cloth in a cloth covered slipcase.     £1,600

Marrakesh Deluxe Edition

Book Spreads