New York Reflections
Deluxe Edition
Regular Edition
New York Reflections is the result of an intense three week visit to New York in May 2013 to observe, sketch and gather reference material. The paintings, full of colour, light and shadows are his observations and reflect a very personal view of the city. An enormous publication with 26 powerful colour plates dominating a 60 x 76 cm (22 x 30 inches) sheet. The text is made up of extracts from Jan Morris’ book Manhattan ‘45. Whittington Press typeset and printed the title page and text in 22 point Caslon.
An edition of 60 copies, 57 x 38 cm (22 x 16 ins), 88pp including: 56pp with 26 full colour double page spreads printed with a UV flatbed inkjet printer on Moulin du Gue mould-made paper and 16pp of text set in 22 point Caslon, printed on heavyweight Zerkall mould-made paper.
Regular Edition: 55 copies are case bound with a cloth quarter binding in a cloth covered solander box, inlaid with full colour printed metal panels. Price £2,900.
Deluxe Edition: 10 copies are leather bound with an inlaid pattern of coloured leathers in a leather quarter bound clam shell box, inlaid with a colour printed metal panel. Also included is a portfolio of 10 large signed prints 57 cm x 76 cm. Price £6,500.
Regular Edition of New York Reflections
Page Spreads
Pier 17
Paris Cafe
New York crossing
West Broadway
Red Ladder, SoHo
Staten Island ferry
Dog walker
School bus
Brooklyn Bridge
Central Park
The Crown
Alphonso on Park Avenue
F.D.N.Y. Engine 14