The images in this startling book are unlike anything the Press has attempted before. Drawn on an electronic tablet and printed on a digital printer, their brilliance and inventiveness perfectly mirror the atmosphere of Portmeirion, the extraordinary Italianate village built by the eccentric architect Clough Williams-Ellis on a remote peninsula in North Wales. Clough’s grandson, Robin Llywelyn, who spent much of his childhood with his grandparents at Portmeirion, has written short but evocative texts about each of Leslie Gerry’s seven images of the village. The unusual conception and binding of Portmeirion is a tribute to the genius of Williams-Ellis, who continued the building of Portmeirion until well into his eighties, and its complexities have delayed the publication of the book by several months – just as one imagines Williams-Ellis’ designs must have delayed the builders of Portmeirion.
Whittington Press
11 x 7½ ins, 20 double-page spreads, alternately of full colour images printed by the artist on heavyweight Zerkall chamois geglattet mould-made paper, and 24 point Caslon type printed on Somerset mould-made paper, in a threadless, cased zig-zag binding, in an edition of
350 copies.
225 copies in a decorated slipcase. £145
125 copies with a portfolio of signed prints of the images, including an additional print, and a 24 x 36 in. poster of one of the images, all in a 12 x 16 in. decorated solander box. £325