Deluxe (A) edition
Regular (B) edition
Venice Reflections
In October 2017, I experienced the delights of Venice, sketched and took many reference photographs and then set about the task of trying to recapture that Venetian magic. Twenty nine paintings and twelve months later, Venice Reflections emerged, a very personal record of my interaction with the city. Jan Morris kindly offered me extracts from her classic Venice to use as my text for which I am immensely grateful.
A limited edition of 120 copies in two formats, ‘A’ (deluxe) and ‘B’ (regular).
30 x ‘A’ deluxe copies, numbered 1-30, page size 56 x 35 cm, (22 x 13ins) case bound with printed cloth in a cloth covered solander box. The colour plates are printed with a flat-bed UV digital printer at Fine Print on Moulin du Gue mould-made paper. The text is set in 19-point Bauer Bodoni and printed on Zerkall mould-made paper. Price £2,800
90 x ‘B’ regular copies, numbered 31-120. 19 x 12½ ins (48 x 32cm), 96pp, 30 full colour double-spread illustrations, printed on 190gsm Bockingford mould-made watercolour paper with a 12 colour Epson large format printer using archive inks. Text, 15 pt Bauer Bodoni, printed on 225gsm Zerkall mould-made paper. Case-bound printed cloth in a cloth covered slipcase. Price £1,600
Book Spreads
Doge's Palace and Campanie of St Mark's
Venetian Light
St Mark's Basilica
Cafe Florian on St Mark's Square
Five Gondoliers
Ca' d'Oro
Grand Canal
Rio del Barcaroli
Santa Maria della Salute
San Giorgio Maggiore
Clock Tower
Statua di San Giovanni on the Grand Canal
Ch S Giacomo di Rialto
Scuola di San Marco
S Maria dei Miracoli
Rialto Bridge
Fish Market
Murano glass blowers
Gondola boatyard Squero di San Trovaso